It’s not you, it is me.” That phrase doesn’t hurt less just because it’s used so often. It doesn’t matter how much time you spend pursuing someone, if they don’t feel the exact same way it can cause us to be hurt and confused. Gender can make a huge difference in how we react to rejection. Rejection is often seen as a sign of masculinity. Women’s reactions to it are more emotional. It is a fact that almost everyone will experience rejection at one point in their life. How we deal with it can make a big difference in how we move forward. Here are our top tips for handling rejection. Keep shooting and let it go.
Ask her why
If you are able to ask her why, immediately, in an already difficult conversation. It is possible to find out why she made the decision you did. This will help you not reject her in the future. If you don’t get the chance to meet her, reach out after the fact to ask. You don’t need to ask her why, but rather learn about her thoughts. This is a great way to approach the conversation. “Hello, I understand how you feel and that you may not have been the right fit for me. “If you could tell me any information that led to your decision, I believe it could help me for future relationships.” This conversation will give you an insight into her thoughts and closure. You may also get some great advice to help you in your next endeavor.
Use a dating website
Sometimes it’s the best thing to just get out there again and chat with girls online. You will feel more confident if you are able to meet people online. To find someone to sex with, you can also use an online fuck site like instafuckfriend. According to Madeline R. Vann MPH,, sex can help relieve stress.
Give it space
It can be difficult to let go of someone who doesn’t feel the same way as we do. After a rejection, we recommend that you give yourself some space. Get out there and have some sex with people near you. It can sometimes be difficult to ignore someone, especially if they are close friends or family. However, giving yourself some space after a rejection can be a good thing. Do not text, call or bother anyone who has recently changed directions. You might also be feeling loss, since they may have lost someone you were close to.
Treat yo self
Treating yourself can really help if you feel down. Treat yourself to something nice. Give yourself the love that you would give to someone else. You can feel happier if you take some time to yourself. According to scientific studies shopping can lift your mood.
Get to the gym
Endorphins and the revenge body are real. Rejection can make us feel twice as good if we go to the gym. Going to the gym can make you feel and look better. Endorphins can boost your brain’s ability to feel optimistic during difficult times. Your confidence will soar when you know that you are improving yourself and not wallowing. Sometimes a little bit of rage running is all you need to get back into the game.
Do not be upset
A man should not act angry when a woman rejects him. Although you might feel she is leading you, and you may disagree with her opinion, at the end of it all her feelings are hers. You can make her reconsider your decision and make your fellow men proud by being cool about it. It is not what a girl wants to feel. If you are cool and friendly, she may start to think that there are more options available.
Love surrounds you
Have a night out with your friends. It can be very helpful to know that you are supported by loved ones. If you feel down, let your friends know and they will try to lift you up. You never know, maybe a night out with your boys will put you in the right frame of mind to become wing-manned into a new person. The old saying is that “the best way of getting over someone is to get underneath someone else”. We don’t think it’s the best, but sometimes a little distraction can be great.
Don’t be afraid to be sad
Acceptance is hard, but it’s normal. Let yourself feel what you are feeling. You can have a relaxing night at home, or you can watch a movie and just let it all out. You might be able to get over the pain quicker if you allow yourself to grieve. Sometimes our emotions can linger if we try to suppress them and avoid facing them. You’ll soon be able to get back on the horse if you allow yourself to feel your emotions in a healthy manner.
Get drunk
Drinking can cause you to make bad decisions. Before you take this advice, please ensure that you are not in a position to call, text or show up at your mother’s house drunk. This is crucial. You might feel better if you get drunk. You might need to have a few beers to get the edge off. If you feel like crap in the morning, take a few drinks to get your energy back.
Take it all in your stride and try again
Learning from rejection is the best way to deal with it. You can learn from her mistakes and use them to improve yourself. Sometimes, people don’t have the “it” factor. That is okay. There are many people you can try again with. Remember that you might have done nothing wrong, and that it may not have been “her not for you.” Do not let rejection stop you from continuing to play the game. You might just be the next one if you use what you have learned.