Clever Ways To Find Swinger Parties

Are you looking for a lifestyle that is full of love, sex and fun? Perhaps it’s time for you to look into Swinging. Swingers first came to your attention on Myspace, when it was still a relationship option. That’s how I first discovered it.

Swingers believe that sexual interaction with other people can improve their relationships with their partners. Swinger living may not suit everyone, especially if they are jealous. After the Sexual Revolution in 1960, when contraceptive pills were readily available, this lifestyle was very popular.

There is no reason why you shouldn’t push the boundaries in your relationship. It is too short to not have a conversation about your sexuality with your loved one. A strong relationship can be built by maintaining an honest relationship and great communication.

This is where you find yourself in a difficult situation. You’re now faced with a challenge. This can be the most difficult part of swinging. We’ve put together our top tips to help you find swinger parties.

RELATED: These are some free swinger websites you can try


Although it might seem strange to find swinger parties in this location, sometimes tickets events can be found here. EventBrite is the best site for setting up and paying tickets to ticketed events. EventBrite is the best site for organizing swing events. These parties may be kept secret so don’t be surprised that they don’t call them swinger parties.

You might find something by simply searching the website for “adult parties” or even “swinger parties”. To get a better idea of the organizers of any event, look up their name. You might find a website or a group on Facebook that gives you more information about the group and their goals.

Words of mouth

Many people know someone who swings. Although many people are reluctant to share their lives, there is a good chance that you know someone who swings. Begin conversations with people you trust about your interest in the lifestyle. You might be surprised by their knowledge and who they can put you in touch.

You might be able to convince your friends to swing with you. You might be friends with someone who is curious about swinging. They might be friends with others who are. Once you have a couple who swings, the entire network will open for you.

Burner groups

Are you familiar with people from the Burningman community Burningman, a massive festival that takes place in the Nevada Desert once a year, is something you should know. Burner members are open-minded and sex-positive. You will find Burners to generally be friendly and happy to point you in the right direction if you have a sexual curiosity. It doesn’t mean that every Burner is a swinger, or even that they know one. However, it might help you to start your search.

Many Burners are open-minded to trying out new kinks or fetishes. You will find many camps of swingers, swinging events and swinging courses at the festival. Many of these camps stay in touch with each other throughout the year, so there’s a good chance they have events in your area. You’ll likely find that you won’t get judged as harshly at your Burners group if you ask around.

Ask your waxer

Although it may seem strange, let’s get to the bottom of this. People want to look their best when they are getting ready for the swingers event. Smooth as silk is what you want, and there’s no better place than the waxers to do it. This idea actually came from my waxer. She said to me: “You wouldn’t believe the people that I know that are swingers.” Doctors, lawyers and church leaders, as well as teachers.

Your waxer may not be willing to share their contact information, but she might be willing to pass it along. Give her a couple of business cards and she will pass them on to her clients. Start emailing fellow swingers, and you’ll soon be part of the local community.

Facebook Groups

Facebook may be used by you to search for furniture deals or keep up with grandmas’ activities. These are all great uses of the biggest social media platform in the universe, but did you know that this could be the ultimate source for local swinger information and the most valuable?

People who frequent your area may have created a private Facebook group in order to support their local community. You can search the internet to find out if there is a local group. Before you join a group, be cautious. You will likely need to be approved by admins and complete a questionnaire. You can then find locals and events.

The swinging community is small but close-knit. You only need to join your local underground network. You can have sensual, fun times by trying any of these methods to find swinger parties. When asking around, don’t assume you are trying to get close friends. Instead, show that you are just curious about the community. It doesn’t necessarily mean that everyone is into it. It’s possible to remove a lot of stigma from the subject by having open conversations with your friends. Happy swinging and good luck!