How To Get Over a Breakup: 10 Tips For Gay Men

Gay dating and sex can prove difficult for many. No matter what sexual orientation you are, breaking up can be difficult for anyone. It’s not easy to end a relationship when you are gay. It doesn’t matter if the reason is infidelity, relocation or just loss of love, it hurts. In the middle of a breakup it may be difficult to stay positive. It can also be hard to not curl up in bed and cry for days. Do not do this. It’s not as difficult as losing your son at the beginning, but it’s not nearly as devastating as you might think.

It is important to get out and meet new people. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for a quick rebound, a one-night stand, or a long-term partner; it is important to get back out there and start dating again to get your head off of the breakup.

TIP: These are some websites to help you find gay hookups in your area


It is vital that you give yourself enough time to grieve the end of your relationship. You will naturally want to try to escape the pain by working or drinking. This will only prolong the grieving process, and can lead to unnecessary stress and health problems. You need to understand the grieving process, and allow yourself to go through each stage. It will only make the pain worse.

Get in touch with your family and friends

It is never easy to grieve alone. It’s not easy to grieve alone. That’s why it is important to have good friends and family around you to support you during this difficult time in your life. This can become a little more complicated if your partner has the same circle. It’s important to have at minimum one person you can trust in difficult times. Friends can also be a great support system for outside activities and can help you to not isolate yourself from the rest of world. Even if you just need someone to watch Netflix at home, it is important to not live in isolation.

Actively participate

When you are grieving, it is not fun to sit in your house all day. You will be forced to dwell on your negative thoughts more than necessary. This is especially true for couples who share living spaces. There’s a big difference between healthy grieving, and becoming a recluse. Spend some time with your hobby. Go on a vacation, or take a road trip. You will find it helps you to get a clear head and a better perspective. You also have the chance to meet new people.

Reconnect with your love life

I wouldn’t recommend going out with the first guy you see. Going out on dates can be a great step towards progression and forward. This will increase your self-esteem, confidence, and self-confidence. Many times, it can feel like you don’t deserve someone or that you didn’t deserve them. You can feel more attractive if you get back on the dating scene, regardless of your circumstances. Have some fun on Tinder and Grinder. Do not rush into a relationship. Take your time and look around.

Get rid of him from your home

You are likely to have many things that are connected to your ex-lover. You need to get rid if you have photos of you together, clothes he left behind, or leftover food from the fridge. This may seem daunting at first but you don’t have to rush. This is essential to your progress. It can be very difficult to let go of someone if their photo is the first thing you see when you get up in the morning. You might also want to get rid of him from your social media. An account that is overloaded with photos of a broken relationship repels new prospects and forces you to remember what is not.


It’s not a good idea to jump into a new relationship immediately after a breakup. Instead, you should take time to reflect and discover. Your actions could have contributed to your relationship’s breakdown. You should examine any bad choices you may have made. This will help you avoid making the same mistakes again. You may need to talk to a counselor depending on the nature and severity of the problem. It’s 2019, and therapy is no longer stigmatized. Before you can let someone else know you, you must first get to know yourself. To avoid being disappointed again when you begin dating, ensure you search for gay dating sites.

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Get closure

You should make sure you have closure if your relationship ended in a cliffhanger. If he is clearly not interested in you, don’t throw your phone at him. It is important not to think of closure in terms of trying to rekindle the flame. In fact, the opposite. A relationship that ends without a resolution is more likely to be reopened. You need to give closure to a potentially toxic relationship.


Acceptance is the final stage in grieving. After you have grieved and gained closure, it is time to accept the end of your relationship. Now you’re single. That means you have the freedom and potential to create your own world. Don’t become a stalker ex who refuses to end a relationship that is clearly over. Do not bombard him with texts and calls trying to win his back. Be humble, get up and move on. You have millions of men to try with. Ariana Grande said it best: Tell your ex to thank you next.