How to Maintain A Friend with Benefits

Everyone wants a friend who has benefits. Very few people have one. Most people will not find it if they go searching, but rather because they don’t know how to keep the relationship going. You can increase your chances to find a winner and keep her for as long you wish by following the steps in this article.

These types of relationships are not new, but have been popularized in recent years. Remember the movie “Friends with Benefits” starring Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis? You need to change your perspective on relationships if you want to take advantage of this trend and improve your sexlife.

Many people mistakenly think that a relationship like this is a sign of something more.

What does it mean to be a friend who has benefits?

A friend with benefits (also known as a “fuck buddy”) is someone you know that has casual sex. Casual sex can be very comfortable for some people, but it is not for everyone. This type of relationship can be difficult to maintain, but you can keep it going for many years if you think the right way.


These relationships are not likely to last long, as sex is often emotional. At some point, everyone will want to be in a relationship. The rule of thumb is to not fall in love and make it last. This is hard and, despite what you might think, not only women fall in love. Men easily succumb to their emotions, regardless of whether they want to believe it or not.

Guidelines for keeping a fuck buddy

It is difficult to keep a friend with benefits in a relationship, but it is essential for your own mental health and that of your partner. It is possible for someone to fall in love. Here is how you can keep your arrangement in order. This strategy might not be comprehensive, so make sure you keep your eyes open and your chances of staying together are higher.

Rule 1: Be open about the rules of your relationship

Do not break any rules. It is important to establish rules for your friend if you want to keep the arrangement. These rules include how many calls you can make per week, when dates are acceptable, and how often you should hookup.

Spending too much time together can lead to a breakup or a fall in love. It is human nature. It is human nature to desire the love and affection of a partner. If you cultivate that love and don’t keep it away, the love will blossom into a relationship.

It is also important to think about where you will meet up. You should also consider where you will meet up if you’re in a relationship.

Avoid putting yourself in situations that could lead to relationships. You might end up meeting at her home and becoming her boyfriend. You might also consider other options, such as Airbnb or a hotel. While this can be costly, it can also make a great relationship.

TIP: Look for the best places to hook up

Rule 2: Limit sporadic meetings to a minimum

This is an extension to the previous rule. However, it’s so crucial for maintaining your relationship that you need more explanation. You won’t believe I warned you.

To avoid conflicts with others, your schedule and hers must be the same. Even if you are not in a steady relationship, friends with benefits relationships should remain secretive. If you meet at her house or yours, it will be difficult to keep the secretive nature of the relationship under wraps.

She could be found out by her neighbors and get a bad reputation. These types of people are unpredictable and you never know what they will do. They will at the very least talk to their neighbors, friends and co-workers, about your taboo relationship.

Rule #3: Use Snapchat

Use unconventional communication methods to protect yourself and your friends, whether you are in a benefits relationship or an affair. You’re not in the present and others will find evidence if you continue to text and call. You don’t need to leave evidence of your relationship.

Snapchat makes it easy to keep your conversations private. Learn it, love it and live it. Everyone knows that conversations disappear once they are viewed. But that is not the true benefit. You can text, call, and video chat in one place.

Snapchat is the best way for friends to communicate. Snapchat is casual, fun, and descriptive. It can also be used to spice things up before you meet. You can send her sexy photos and videos before you meet up to get in the mood. It’s worth it. You’ll see.

Rule #4: Use a condom

Condoms are still very important in friendships with benefits. You should be careful if you are interacting with several women at once. You never know if she is actually taking her birth control pills as she claims.

It is hard to imagine what goes on in the mind of a woman. A few months back, I was contacted by a friend who had benefits and told me that she did not want to be in a relationship with me but wanted me to get pregnant. Huh?!? !

She stated that she didn’t need to be there and didn’t have any financial obligations. The conversation ended the relationship. You can always go out with a different woman next time.

Last thoughts

These rules will be great for keeping your friends with benefits and fuck buddies together, but if you don’t learn to adapt to changing environments and situations, it will be difficult to maintain a relationship.

The hardest part is making sure that you are on the same page. It’s important to work together as a team, and to remember that your relationship is still a partnership.