12 Dirty Pickup Lines that will Get you Laid Every Time

You have found someone you like on locadatingwomen. Now you want to find a great pick up line. Pickup lines are a standard in the dating industry. It’s a good idea to learn how to use them to help you get laid. It is important not to take a dirty pickup line too seriously. Pick-up lines should be funny and even humorous. You can get laid with the best pick-up lines if you have a little confidence. Are you curious about these lines? We have 12 of the most popular dirty pickup lines to help you get laid.

1. Is your name winter? You’ll be here soon.

This one is for all Game of Thrones fans. If she is a fan, this one could work great. This line is a great pick-up line if you suspect she may be your Khaleesi. Even if she hasn’t seen the show yet, this line still has potential if used at the right time.

2. Are you my pinky toe? Because I want to bang on you all my furniture

This one is both funny and clever. This line is relatable because we all have stubbed our feet at one time or another. Pick-up lines that have the potential to make her smile and get her excited are the best. This one has both.

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3. Hi girl! I am a certified meteorologist. I predict that you will be in for a few inches tonight.

Talking about weather is considered boring conversation. However, this line of work doesn’t have that stigma. Have you ever wanted to play the role of a weatherman? Here’s your chance! You never know what she may be interested in!


4. Every bone, even mine, is a favorite of mine.

Sometimes, you need to keep things simple. Nothing is more embarrassing than a line in which your manhood is mentioned and implied that it would be in her. It’s simple and straight-forward, but it can also be funny.

5. Is there a mirror in you pocket? Because I swear, I can see my pants in your pants.

When you’re looking to start a conversation, pick up lines that begin with a question. Bonus points are awarded for using puns well.

6. Would you like to play barbies? You can play Ken, and I’ll be Ken.

This one is full of dirty layers that can work in your favor. It’s a lot like asking for a doctor. But it’s a lot more creative. This is a great pick-up line for someone who likes to be playful and dirty.

7. Fun fact: Pizza is my second favorite food to eat in bed.

Let’s face it, guys, if you want a pickup line to get you laid, you can offer to go down on a woman. You have a better chance of succeeding if this one includes pizza. What if a pick-up call that includes pizza and foreplay isn’t enough to get her attention? A guaranteed recipe for good times is food and sex.

8. Roses are red. Violets are good. You’ll be the 6. You be the 6.

A good rhyme is a must-have. It’s also possible to go wrong with 69, so it’s a win-win situation. This one is especially useful if it falls on Valentine’s Day. This line is a great alternative to a bouquet of roses.

9. Do you have a cell phone? That’s because that booty is calling!

Unless you have been living under a rock for a while, you probably know that it’s all about the bottom. That means that every woman wants to hear what her backside looks like. This is a classic line that’s easy to highlight her most sexy assets. It’s also a clever way to segue into asking her for her actual number.

10. Although I might not be remembered in history, I will remember you.

It never hurts to give back when it comes to dirty pickup lines. This one doesn’t mince words, but it isn’t subtle. This line is for you if you feel bold. This line will make it obvious that she will enjoy hooking up with your partner.

11. Tonight, I placed you at number one on my list.

This is a great example of how you can prioritize. It may surprise you to learn that a man who is organized can make a big difference in the life of a woman. Tell her that you are number one in your list of dirty things.

12. Do you have a light switch? You really do turn me on.

This line is best for traditional guys. This line is a shamelessly corny pick-up line that’s clever enough to get you some points. Although it’s not entirely dirty, it’s still provocative enough to let her know what you’re thinking.

Pick-up lines don’t have to be serious, as you probably know. Humour can be a great way to charm girls. So take a chance on these lines and make her laugh. These pickup lines are a great way to show your sense of humor and let her know that you’re willing to have some fun. You also show that you don’t take yourself too seriously and enjoy a good laugh. These pick up lines are great for anyone who appreciates humor. You can be confident that these pickup lines will grab her attention.