You want to make your fuck friend into a serious relationship. You want to be with this woman. You may even call her “honey”, “baby” or “honey” in your head.
But you are scared.
It is hard to know if it is the right decision. You also don’t have any idea how she will respond to your suggestion that you should be more than just friends with benefits.
What if she doesn’t feel the same about you?
You might lose her if she hears what you think?
What if …??
This is why I wrote this article. I want you prepared to make the right choice. You should also enjoy your relationship with your ex fuck friend and your girlfriend.
Is that not good enough?
Let’s start by telling her you love her.
1. You should be driven by love, not lust.
Is she really your true love?
You face one problem when it comes to your desire to make your fuck friend a partner. This issue is called lust.
I mean, I get it. It’s amazing. Her body is so hot. Her body is irresistible. You just want to fuck with her every day.
Do you want to spend time with her everyday…even if you’re not in your bedroom? You don’t want her to be your girlfriend if you are driven by lust or jealousy.
Jealousy, lust, and love are not the same thing. These negative emotions can actually be the opposite of love. Be sure to love her.
2. Instead of focusing on her boobs, think about her heart.
Are you compatible?
Let’s face facts. To have fun with each other, you don’t necessarily need to share the same interests, passions, or values. All you need is a strong sexual connection.
But if you want her to be your girlfriend, there are other things that are more important. Consider her values. Consider her personality.
Are you looking for a loving, caring woman to be your partner?
If she is this woman, then you can move on to the next step. If you find that you are not compatible, it is worth rethinking your plans to make your fuck friend into a serious relationship.
3. Keep in mind what she said about relationships
Look back at the past.
Have you ever had a conversation with her about relationships?
Perhaps she said that she was not ready to be in a relationship with you. This is a negative sign. Maybe she mentioned to you that she likes you casually. This is a sign that she is open to a relationship with your. She is too shy to share her feelings.
It’s your responsibility to make the first move, to establish a rapport with your fuck friend.
4. Incorporate the idea of having date nights in your bedroom.
What do you do with your fuck friend?
Let me guess, you have sex. That’s awesome. Who doesn’t want to get sex? You don’t have to spend your entire time in bed with her if you want to be their girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong. Sex remains very important.
When it comes to a relationship you should focus some of your energy and time on her outside of the bedroom. This will allow you to get to know your girlfriend and allows her to adjust to her new role.
You can just casually say that you’d love to go to this restaurant. You might be able to invite her boyfriend if she is interested in joining.
5. After you have sex, tell her what you think about her.
This is the ideal moment.
After sex, women are the most emotionally connected. This is when she needs to hug you and cuddle with you. It’s the best time to express your feelings. Be careful not to be too dramatic.
Let her know you love her and can see a future together. Don’t be too attached and say “I can’t imagine life without you” or any other Hollywood line.
Keep it simple, and tell her what you want.
6. Before you commit fully, start a trial relationship.
Do not expect her to immediately commit to you.
She may be positively shocked. She might be slightly shocked. Give her time to adjust to you being her boyfriend. You can start a relationship trial period. This allows you to feel what it’s like being a boyfriend or girlfriend.
You can test your relationship for a few weeks, and then, if it is satisfactory, you can make it official.
7. Talk about her and the other fuck friends
Is she seeing someone else? Is she seeing someone else?
This is probably one of the most difficult topics to discuss. It’s also one the most important topics. It’s not a good idea to begin a relationship with her only to find out two weeks later she has slept with a friend.
You must be on the same page. Then, you will need to decide if you want to be monogamous.
8. Take your time getting to know your new girlfriend.
It may feel strange at first. That’s okay.
It might take some time for you to accept that your fuck friend is now your girlfriend. It’s normal. You can give her the time that she needs. This is a big step, and I’m proud of you for taking it.
Although relationships are wonderful, they take time to build.
9. Discuss everything openly and honestly
Communication is a must, especially in the beginning of a relationship. You are new to each other and may not be used to seeing one another as boyfriend or girlfriend. You might find it strange to announce your relationship in your social circles.
This is a crucial step if you want to make a lasting relationship with your fuck friend. Talk about anything, even if it’s not comfortable. You will build trust and friendship by talking about everything.
Trust is the foundation of every relationship that succeeds.