While polygamy may make you happier, it can also cause havoc in your marriage. You could end up divorcing your partner if you bring up the subject in a way that is hurtful to them. Apps like Ashley Madison can help you find polygamous and mutual FWB relationships. How can you tell your wife you are in a new relationship and want to create a mutual understanding? It is best to tell your wife that you love her. Remember that cheating is not possible when you’re in a polygamous relationship. Cheating partners are known to engage in secretive sexual behavior, and may meet up with local women for sex or pleasure. In a 2016 study, the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy found that over one fifth of Americans have had non-monogamous relationships at some point in their lives.
Polygamy should be guided by mutually agreed rules. It should not be confused for a swinger relationship. Here are some tips to help you bring up polygamy with your spouse.
Consider your reasons for being polygamous
Be clear with your wife before you bring up the topic of polygamy. If things aren’t going well between you and your spouse, it’s best to discuss the topic. You may not get the attention your partner deserves, so it is important to improve your communication skills. Remember that children can make problems worse if there are kids involved. You can move forward if you’ve tried the waters and are confident that this is the right way to go. If you are considering polygamy to be a one-way relationship because of an unhappy relationship, this is not the right way to do it. Make sure you understand the long-term vision for your marriage.
Be gentle and not pushy
Talking about polygamy is not something you want to do to your wife. It is likely that your spouse will not agree to your request. There is also the possibility of your partner feeling insecure because they don’t have enough. You must reassure your wife about your love and commitment. It is not a good idea to make your wife feel forced or manipulated into doing it.
Jumping in to a topic without a preamble can cause major meltdowns if you have a reticent partner. Don’t let your partner know that you are about to have a long talk. You can consult a counselor if you are unsure of how to approach this topic. A flexible agreement is the best way for a marriage to work. This is not the time to discuss your stress levels with your wife.
Do not try to persuade your partner to say yes
If you have a monogamous, stable relationship, it can be hard to discuss polygamy. Your marriage may fail if you try to force your wife to agree. To save your spouse from such agony, you need to be careful what you say. Respect and honesty are the cornerstones of a polygamous marriage. It is important to use the right strategies. If your partner doesn’t get enough attention or sex, sharing won’t sound very appealing.
There are certain things that you must agree to in a polygamous marriage. It is important to discuss the ground rules with your spouse in advance. It is a matter both of ethics and consent. Safe sex is one of the topics to be discussed. You don’t want to leave your spouse in the dark, no matter what her response. Let her know that she will be the one to take over from your spouse. This will help to remove the fear and encourage her to embrace the idea. This does not mean that you should be less respectful of your secondary partner. Anger will not keep you from your primary relationship.
Keep her best interests at heart
If you have been in a stable monogamous marriage, polygamy can be difficult. You will do your best for your wife if you love her. Do not be afraid to try new things and show your love. You will make your wife feel inadequate and unloved, making it difficult to change the rules. You can come up with strategies to manage anxiety and deal with the pain. Accept that it isn’t working.
Let her know that it’s more than just sex.
Although sex is an important part of a relationship, it should not be the only factor. You will likely be challenged. Although it may seem difficult at first, polygamy can be a great way to strengthen your relationship. Many couples have had success by sharing their feelings and negotiating. It is all about enthusiasm for marriages and working toward a happy relationship.
You must pay special attention to your sleeping arrangements. Spending your time together and having occasional nights out with your spouse should not be a problem. Things can get messy if both of you spend the night together. Talk to your wife about the plans and let her know that she will be respected. Find out what works for you. What do you want your marriage to look like after a year?
You can find a friend online if your wife is open to having sex with others if she agrees.
Talk about the children
There’s nothing wrong in taking a second spouse if you have more children. Problems arise when the children of both spouses aren’t appreciated. The kids are not a problem in a polygamous marriage. You, the father, should take care of the children and be considerate. They also need to be united. Your wives will soon spend more time together as a family.
Flexibility is key
Your wife may object to you entering this new territory of polygamy. Recognize that we are all different and that people can change. If you have doubts about your relationship’s strength, don’t think about this type of arrangement. The wives of a polygamous relationship are not competing so they should be treated with respect.
Polygamy is a topic that often causes jealousy in spouses. This could spell disaster for some. If you don’t want to discuss it with your wife, this could lead to your marriage being destroyed. You can still have happiness in your marriage, despite the difficulties. Use the tips above to discuss the topic with your wife without fear. Before you know it she will agree. Polygamy will not work if you and your wife aren’t on the same page.
Remember that your wife may be upset by polygamy and could cause a divorce. If you do experience rejection, seek professional help.